Editing Theme Source Code

Customizing your Theme requires knowledge of HTML and CSS and is intended for advanced users. If you just want to change your theme, you should select a new theme from our existing library instead.

Where to Find

This area can be found in the "My Website" section of the Toolbar.

Edit Theme Files

Simply click on the file you wish to edit. Your changes will take effect as soon as you click the "Save" button.


Advanced Customization

For in depth documentation, please see the Creating website builder Themes area.

You can download an archive of this theme and all of its assets (images, css, html) if you would like to further customize it or edit it on your computer. If you would prefer to create a new theme from scratch, we have a blank theme template with instructions available as well.

Either of these can be downloaded by going to the Upload/Download section.

Adding Meta tags

Meta tags encompassing your entire site can be added in the process of editing your Theme source code for when people or search engines visit your website. Most search engines will use the description for a summary in their search results. To create meta tags for your entire site, please add them to the <head> section of the default.html file.

Please note that the meta tag information added here will be site wide! To add meta tags specific to one of your pages, please set them in the Page Description field within its Page Settings.